The Tradition Begins...
Twenty years ago, I was a young college student fortunate enough to be taken in by a dear family in Birmingham, AL. Born and raised in South Carolina, it was wonderful to find a “home away from home.” Homemade salsa and chips were the snack of choice during movies, sporting events, and long conversations. This quickly became our tradition… Good friends, fun times, and great salsa! Not long after college and having entered the “real world”, I longed for this homemade treat. I placed a phone call and begged to receive the beloved recipe.
Over time we have tweaked the ingredients to make it our own. Our salsa has been a part of vacations, dinner parties, and celebrations of all kinds. Once again, it has become a tradition. Family and friends have encouraged us to share it with you. We hope our tradition becomes yours.
Traditions are about making memories and our desire is that you will be inspired by our products (and this web site) to begin new traditions today that will last a lifetime. We will be satisfied if family and friends come together over our salsa to have fun and make lasting memories.
Enjoy & Pass It On...
Over time we have tweaked the ingredients to make it our own. Our salsa has been a part of vacations, dinner parties, and celebrations of all kinds. Once again, it has become a tradition. Family and friends have encouraged us to share it with you. We hope our tradition becomes yours.
Traditions are about making memories and our desire is that you will be inspired by our products (and this web site) to begin new traditions today that will last a lifetime. We will be satisfied if family and friends come together over our salsa to have fun and make lasting memories.
Enjoy & Pass It On...